Tuesday, March 22, 2016

War Poster


First Version

I do believe that my stance is clear.  I feel that the quote I incorporated within my poster clearly shows that I am against war and that it is immoral.  My quote says, "War doesn't determine who is right, only who is left".  This means that whoever wins a war doesn't necessarily mean they did it for the right reasons or that it was moral, it simply means that they were superior and wiped out the opposing side.  War doesn't determine what is right or wrong because there is always two sides to looking at things and people who have lost wars or been victims to the destruction of war could be innocent.  My stance is that war isn't the right way to determine what is right or wrong and how things should be in the world.  I used very bold text for that quote because I really wanted it to pop out and have a strong effect on whoever is reading it.  I made the words "War", "Right", and "Left" bigger and in red because I wanted them to stand out from everything else because I feel that they are the most important words in the quote to get the point across.  I also decided to put another "War" in the center of the poster and I made it digital and following a drone to show how war today relies so much on technology.    

My final product was nowhere near my initial thumbnail sketches and hand drawn draft.  My first version looks like my hand drawn draft and I feel that I was successful in recreating it digitally.  However I do prefer my new and final version because I think it is more modern and relatable in this day and age since it incorporates technology.  I also think that my quote has more of an impact in my newer version than in my first one so I think it has more of an impact on the reader. 

One of the changes I made from the first version to the new one was the quote.  In the first version, my quote was very small and wasn't broken up like in my new version.  In my final, I made sure to make the quote larger and split it up more effectively to take up more space.  I also put some of the words in perspective so that they stood out which is something I didn't do originally.  I also changed the word "War" from being written in blood to being digital.  I did this so show how much technology plays a part in war.  Similarly, I changed the main image from being a man dragging a large weapon to a drone flying, to also show how war is nowadays.  I made these changes because I wanted my poster to be more modern rather than old fashioned ways of war.

I think that my project is stronger in design want weaker in concept.  I think it is stronger in design because I put in alot of thought into how I should arrange and design my quote.  I think I effectively chose a font that makes my quote stand out.  I also think that my colors are meaningful since I used alot of red to represent blood.  I think my project is weaker in concept because I didnt use many other visuals instead of the drone and im afraid it might take away from the effect my poster may have. 

The most challenging aspect of this project conceptually is making sure that my stance on war is clear.  I don't want people to be confused on how I feel on war and I wanted to make sure that my poster had a lasting impact.

Technically, the most challenging thing about this project was trying to make the effect of the words going back into the poster.  Trying to get this effect the right way was hard because I had to teach myself how to do it and practice and I messed up alot of the time.