Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Self Symbol Gif and Reflection

1.  The concept behind my self symbol gif was my laugh.  Many people often tell me that my laugh is funny or contagious.  They say that watching me laugh makes them laugh, which is a quality that I feel is unique to me.  I also feel like laughing is something I do quite and enjoy, and it is specific to me.  In my gif I wanted to show that by having one face begin to laugh first, followed my the other faces laughing as well to show how it is joyful and contagious, much like my laugh.  I believe my Gif enhances the idea that my laugh is contagious and that people enjoy that aspect of me.  The changing of the colors really shows how much I love my laugh and my ability to make others laugh.

2.  My animation changed a lot from my orignal idea.  Originally I was going to have full-bodied figures instead of just faces.  I was also going to have me standing at the top of the screen and then a larger crowd of people who look up at me and laugh when I start laughing.  After starting to create this idea in photoshop I realized that it would be extremely difficult for me to fit all the figures I originally wanted in my Gif. I also did not want it to be so literal by drawing myself at the top.  I wanted my idea to represent me but at the same time, be open so that other people can relate if they too have a nice laugh.  That is why I made all of the faces the same.  I originally didn't think to make the faces change color but I added that in because I felt that it enhances the idea of joy in laughter.  

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